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This is an indicative menu showing our best dishes.

It undergoes seasonal variations.

Mixed appetizers


Sweet Breakfast? Savory breakfast? How was the Italian breakfast of the 40s 50s 60s?

When there were still not too many packaged products and the rhythms were more natural?

We offer you our COUNTRY BREAKFASTS: cold cuts, wine, vegetables in oil, cheeses, and savory and sweet pies!

To truly experience Tuscany!

Pici with ragù


Stopping in Sant'Angelo at our restaurant offers moments of extraordinary magic!

A magnificent panorama in this season is given by the medieval square and the belvedere terrace.

Our outdoor tables will allow you to immerse yourself in the magnificent painting of Sant'Angelo in Colle!

The internal tables will give you comfort to escape the summer heat and all the privacy you are looking for!



Dine in Sant'Angelo in Colle, in the beautiful medieval square, in the middle of the silent hills and still free from pollution

of light, illuminated by the moon and stars ...

The summer dinner turns into a magical moment ...

Sant'Angelo in Colle is high on a hill overlooking the Maremma side of Montalcino, it is never hot and the temperature is perfect for relaxing and enjoying good food

prepared by Luca and Gianfranco!

Read what they say about our breakfasts:


These are the photos of Silvana Biasutti,

Journalist writer who often participated in ours

initiatives and told us!

At the link below you will find his very interesting


Ritrovo di amici
The outdoor venue
Exterior at night

© Vanessa Rusci

© photo Silvana Biasutti

Il leccio Trattoria logo
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